Minutes of PTA meeting 21.10.21
Paula Pearson, Kelly Salt, Susan Goodfellow, Louisa Duff, Simon Brabant, Tina Bellamy, Jess Proctor, Lucy Scott, Genevieve Spencer
Helen Hollows, Gemma Drinkall, Andrea Hine-Johnson,
Items for discussion
1. Christmas Fair:
Under the circumstances fair to be cancelled
Pop up craft stall organised by Genevieve Spencer.
Possible ‘Centre Parks’ spa voucher – Square raffle or number generator on IPad.
Possible meat raffle?
Concern raised that we shouldn’t do too many raffles.
Things in stock: Mulled wine this year.
2. Christmas Wreath Making:
Gemma is poorly so this event won’t be able to happen as planned – everyone on PTA sends their best wishes to her for a speedy recovery.
The discussion was held as to whether this event could be held in school. It was decided to see if there was interest and ‘expertise’ to move this forward.
3. Pop up craft store
Friday 3rd December
Snowmen; Reindeers; Sam ideas
4. Treasure Hunt
All ready to go – date to be set in the Spring Term
5. Christmas Collections
5th November – film afternoon non-uniform day/collection of bottles please (alcohol/soft drinks/etc)
12th November – P.J. day/collection of chocolates/sweets/Xmas confectionary
19th November – games afternoon/collection of pampering and beauty items
29th November – TBC by school/collection of luxury Christmas items
6. Bank Balances £5349.69
Invoices are still to be submitted for leavers treats, coaches and bouncy castles from the last term.
7. Bags to school – shed can be used for collections after 12th November
Forthcoming Dates
Friday 12th November – Cinema Night. PTA to do hotdogs etc.
December 1st – Christmas lights turn on. PTA to do mulled wine and refreshments
Friday 3rd December – Pop up craft store outside of school
December 8th/9th – Christmas performances – 3 raffles.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 13th January