The School Day

9.00 Bell rings and registration.

11.00-11.15 Playtime

12.15- 1.10 Lunchtime (Infants stay out until 1.15)

2:35 – 2:50 Infant afternoon play

2:50 Collective Worship

3.15 End of school

The Classes

There are four mixed-age, mixed-ability classes in the morning when literacy and maths plus core subjects are taught. In the afternoons, there are three Key Stage classes )EYFS, Infants and Juniors) when PE and other foundation subjects are taught. On a Friday each class is taught separately for the whole day.
The infant class has 22 hours of teaching time per week and the Juniors have 23 hours forty minutes of direct teaching time per week.

Playtime Duties

Responsibilities of the teacher on duty: (Supply teachers should replace the staff for which they are covering)

• To visit all parts of the school where there may be children. Please remember that although the majority of the children will be outside on dry days, there may be children in the cloakroom and toilets or completing tasks in the classroom (only with the permission of the teacher, and being supervised).

• To be vigilant and to ensure safety and sensible behaviour.

• To decide whether or not conditions are suitable to play on the field. In the interests of safety and security, children must not play on the grass in front of the school beyond the path towards the small gate and car park.

• To ring the bell at the correct time. The bell is kept on top of the cupboard in the entrance hall. It should be rung at the end of playtimes and children should then line up sensibly before going back into school using the front door.


Before School

Children should not arrive at school before 8.45 unless with prior permission. On arrival, the junior children can put their bags into the cloakroom before going out onto the playground. The Infant children can put their bags into the gazebo. If the weather is bad, then children may come into the classroom. They must not play on the grass before school. The bell for the beginning of school is rung at 09:00.


Please mark the register (Scholar pack) promptly at 9.00 so that any absences can be followed up. It should be marked again immediately after lunchtime. Where children are in a different teaching group, care should be taken to ensure that all children are given their mark in the correct register.

Collective Worship:

Whole school Collective Worship is held in Class 4
Monday morning by Mr Brabant
Tuesday afternoon by  Mrs Buchanan
Wednesday morning by Father Andrew or Reverend Hannah
Thursday morning by the  ‘Open the Book’ with the children or Mrs Ireland and class assemblies
Friday afternoon Mrs Gibson and Miss Chant

First Aid

Each class has at least one paediatric first aider,, including both the forest schoolleaders. First Aid boxes are available in the infant classroom and in the school office. The Accident File is kept in the office – all accidents are to be recorded, please. Parents should be informed if a child sustains a bump on the head – use the forms in the filing cabinet or at the back of the Accident file. Plastic gloves for adult use are to be found in first aid boxes. Spare clothes of all sizes are stored in the infant classroom (in a box in the bottom of the store cupboard).

Emergency Contacts

In the case of a more serious injury, parents must be informed. A file is kept by the phone of all contact numbers, for when Mrs Barker is out of the office.

Medication in School

If a child requires medication during the day, parents must fill in and sign the yellow forms available from Mrs Barker. (See Health and Safety Policy – Health and Safety File in the office). The headteacher or Mrs Barker will give the child the correct medication when required.
Children may bring their asthma inhalers to school and it is up to the teacher to ensure that they are stored in a suitable place.
Please be aware of the children who have significant medical conditions (see sheet in office)


Everyone in the Education Service shares an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:

• Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn in educational settings
• Identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and at school

All visitors must sign in at Reception.
Staff must follow the school’s Safeguarding Policy at all times. The DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) is Simon Brabant and all concerns must be reported to him as soon as practicably possible, Sonya Robinson,, Helen Ireland, Clare Stephen .and Susan Goodfellow are all Level 3 trained too.


Mixed dining takes place at lunchtime when the children sit in mixed-age groups, using all classrooms. Free Infant school meals are served in classes 1 and 2 with Junior children monitoring tables and packed lunches. All classrooms are supervised by Mrs Gibson and Ms Gibson. If dry, the children then play outside either on the playground or grass (weather dependent)
If wet, the children choose sensible games from their classrooms to enjoy. Some of the Year 5/6 children go to the infant classroom to play with the younger children.
The bell is rung 5 minutes before the end of play to signal tidy-up time, and again at the end of the lunchtime session.

End of School

School ends at 3.15. There is no bell; staff dismiss the children from the Juniors at this time, while the infant children are collected from their playground by a parent or carer. Parents usually wait on the playground or by the gates.