We are very nearly at the end of term and things are extremely busy.
Could I first please thank the PTA and all of you who supported the auction on Saturday night. It was a fantastic evening which hopefully raised lots of money for the school. The efforts the PTA went to ensure the evening was such a success were truly amazing and their efforts are greatly appreciated!
Please find below a list of important dates for the rest of term:
Wednesday 10th: Mini tennis finals, Carlisle
School Performance – Wizard of Oz 6:30pm
Thursday 11th: Bags to School
Year 6 Chester zoo presentation – 2:45 – 3:15pm
Friday 12th: Year 6 Leavers treat – Harry Potter World, London
Monday 15th: Whole school trip to Silverdale and Arnside
Tuesday 16th: Fun sports day
Wednesday 17th: Year 6 Sex and Relationships Education morning
Thursday 18th: Year 3/4 Leighton Moss
Friday 19th: 10:00am Leavers service @ Storth Church
School BBQ
School closes @ 1:30pm
We re-open on Wednesday 4th September
Have a great summer and good luck to all of Year 6!