Class 3 Sleepover

On Thursday, November 3rd the children in Class 3 are invited to a sleepover in school! This is a special treat for the children and to help them prepare for the residential when they are in Class 4. The children will play games and then take part in a walk across the woods before returning to school for a campfire and hot chocolate and a film before bed in our makeshift (indoor) camp.
Could the children please arrive at school at 6 pm (after having tea at home) and bring a sleeping bag, walking boots or similar, a coat and waterproofs. They will also need a school uniform for Friday. We will give them breakfast and then they can settle into a normal school day on the Friday. There is no cost for this.
If your child would like to attend, could you please return the slip below as soon as possible.
I am happy to answer any questions at any time.