Welcome to the new school year!

I hope you have enjoyed the summer holiday and are looking forward to the new school year as much as we are. Thank you for helping your child/ren prepare for and settle into school so well. What a wonderful few days back we have had, everyone has had a positive attitude!

Class 2 has new teachers and children and we have all had great fun getting to know each other. The following teachers now work in Class 2 – Mrs Robinson, Mrs Gleadow, Mrs White, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Buchanan. Your child will also be taught by Mrs Ireland some afternoons. We have 21 children and, as per usual, the children have extended a warm welcome to Flo and Sam who started in year 2.

All children were given reading books at the start of the week. Please use the yellow reading record book to make a note of any reading done at home. We aim for the children to change their reading books every Monday and to choose enough books for the week ahead. If your child is a keen and enthusiastic reader then they are welcome to choose more books. Thank you for all the effort that is put into reading with your child at home, it really does make a difference. We recognise that some may not always want to read their school reading books at home, if your child reads anything other than a school reading book, eg magazines, Top Trump cards, please make a note of this in their book.

Tuckshop and fruit
A selection of fruit is available every day, at no charge. We will continue to provide tuck for your child, the current choice is breadsticks, toast and rice cakes. There is a charge of 20p per day. This is completely optional. It can be paid daily, weekly or termly. Due to the time, it takes for children to find coins etc we would prefer it to be paid in a lump sum but do understand if it’s easier to pay in 20 pence. If your child would like milk then this can be arranged via the Coolmilk website.

Please remember to order lunches via ‘Lunchshop’ before 9 am. It would be helpful to chat with your child about what they are having.
If your child is bringing a packed lunch please be aware that we have a child with a serious nut allergy and therefore we are a nut-free school.

From next week PE will be on Tuesday and Fridays. Please make sure PE bags stay in school and also contain named tracksuit bottoms and socks. Space is premium at the moment so it would be great if the bag was a drawstring one so children have more space for coats on the pegs.

Wednesday Challenge
Wednesday Challenge books contain activities we have covered in school so that learning can be consolidated whenever possible. The book will come home most Wednesdays and we encourage children to complete it and return it to school before Monday. Please read through their work and check it with them. Talk about any mistakes and how they can be corrected.

Big Spelling
Each child will be given a spelling book on Monday. This book should live in their book bag. Children will be given their spellings on a Monday morning and will practise them in school through the week. It would really help if parents or carers could find time to quickly go through the spellings with children at home.
The children will be assessed on their spellings each Friday. If they are secure they will be given new spellings the following week, if not they may be given the same spellings.
Please make sure their spelling book comes to school in their book bag each day.

Children should bring the following to school every day;
• a named, filled water bottle
• a bookbag containing reading books, reading record and Big Spelling book
• a waterproof coat

We are always grateful for volunteers to help in Class 2. If anyone can spare 30 mins at drop off time on Fridays to help with the spelling activity or would like to help with any other school activities, for example hearing readers, please let us know.

We look forward to working with your children and yourselves in the year ahead, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to talk to any member of the team.

Kind regards,

Mrs Robinson