On Thursday 2nd May Class 2 will go on a Wildlife Oasis trip. When we are there we will be learning about animals and their habitats. We will also get a chance to hold a variety of animals.  


The children will be outside for most of the day so please make sure children are wearing sensible shoes, walking boots such as or old trainers, a hat and gloves (if cold) and bring a waterproof coat. They can wear their own clothes, no skirts or dresses but please ensure they wear a school jumper and cardigan. If your child has a car seat please bring that if possible as some children will be travelling in cars.  


Your child will need a small rucksack to carry their lunchbox, water bottle and waterproof coat. If your child requires any travel sickness medication please hand that to me in a named box so I can look after it for the return journey.


We will be leaving at 9:15 and will be back in time for home time. Mrs Barker has set up an option for a school-packed lunch, on ‘School HUB, if your child doesn’t want a school-packed lunch please can you make sure that they come in with one from home? Please ensure you have placed your order for a packed lunch by Thursday 25th so we can let the kitchen know the numbers.


We are asking for a £10 contribution towards this trip, this can be made via cash or by BACS. If you are happy for your child to go on this trip please return the permission slip below with the £10 cash if you are paying by cash by the end of 1st May.  


Best wishes,


Miss Chant



I give permission for my child _____________________ to travel to Wildlife Oasis on Thursday 2nd May.

Signed: ____________________________ (Parent/Guardian)