Year 1 and 2 educational visit to Grange-over-Sands

As part of our topic this half term on ‘Journeys and Transport’ we have been learning about seaside resorts and have planned a trip to Grange-over-Sands on Wednesday 13th July 2022. The children will be travelling by train and the only train that ensures we get there in time is leaving Arnside at 8.43 am. I appreciate this is a bit earlier than a normal school start, but hope it is feasible for everyone, it would be helpful if your child could be dropped off at Arnside station at 8.30 am. The children will walk from Grange station to the duck pond and then to the promenade where they will have the opportunity to play a range of sports. We will have a well-earned picnic lunch and the obligatory ice cream, then head back to Arnside on the 2:23 pm train. We plan to transport children back to school in cars for normal pick-up time.

Please either order your child’s packed lunch through Lunch Shop, or provide your child with a homemade one. Please also send any snacks and drinks.

In order for this trip to proceed, we need a voluntary contribution of £6.

Your child will need;
• A named rucksack, that they can carry, with a named water bottle
• To wear suitable footwear for walking and playing
• To wear school uniform
• To have applied suncream and insect repellent if necessary and taken hayfever medication before the trip


Please send any cash into school in a named envelope and either give to the class teacher or Mrs Barker in the office along with the consent form by Thursday 7th July, alternatively you can BACS through payment.

(BACS Details: HSBC, Sort Code 40-33-28, Account No 51023373, Storth CE Primary School Fund)


This trip is weather-dependent, fingers crossed!


Yours sincerely,


Mrs Robinson and Mrs Buchanan