Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you have all had a good break away from home-schooling and are looking forward to the term ahead.
There is obviously going to be an announcement today charting the way forward for the country and looking to March 8th as the date for schools to start re-opening. In what form that re-opening happens remains to be seen, but we will be advised by County and will inform you all as soon as the school knows itself!
In the meantime – lessons will re-commence tomorrow morning with recorded and live lessons for all children that are not in school. For those children that have to attend, could I just re-iterate the guidelines that children must only attend school as an absolute last resort and if there is anyone at home or who can offer care, then children should not attend.
Thank you for your patience and understanding over the last few weeks and hopefully, we will all have a much clearer understanding of how the coming weeks will unfold.
Take care and best wishes,
Simon Brabant