Class 2 Information Letter

Class 2 Autumn 2
Wednesday 30th October 2019

Dear Parents/carers,

Well, it is great to be back. The children have been keen and eager to learn so we have all ‘hit the ground running.’ We started the week with ‘Playdough disco’, lots of writing and practising forming our letters correctly. We have also discussed how and when to use capital letters and full stops. Some of the children have also proudly read their half-term news.

I really hope the children’s desire and love of writing continues. It is fabulous to see children writing at every chance – even when it’s time to go home. Everyone now has a green ‘Big Spelling’ book with a list of spellings. There will be a quick assessment on these on Friday.

Show and tell

On Tuesdays we continue with the ‘show and tell’ sessions, below is the rota which tells you which week your child will have his/her turn.

Tuesday 5th November Jarvis, Kit and Ollie
Tuesday 12th November Noah and Ash
Tuesday 19th November Malaika and Seb
Tuesday 26th November Codie and Hallie

The theme for this half term is ‘Food.‘ We will be learning about fruit and vegetables in our locality and around the world. This week we have been learning about pumpkins.


We would like to take the children on two class trips to learn more about food.
The first is to Pizza Express in Kendal on Wednesday 6th November and the second is on Wednesday 20th November to Madam Chocolat in Milnthorpe. Both trips will take place in the morning and are free. We are looking for volunteers to help with transport and stay during the sessions if you are available please let me know.

Kind regards,

Mrs Robinson

Class 2 Information

Class 2 now comprises of 19, Year 1 and 2 pupils. The class will be taught by myself for the majority of the time with Mrs Ireland and Mrs Goodfellow teaching 3 afternoons. The support staff are Miss Morgan, Mrs Gleadow and Mrs Ratcliffe. We are also fortunate to have Mrs Capper, an ex-teacher at the School, volunteering every Tuesday. We are all looking forward to a successful and enjoyable year ahead.

So far the children have enjoyed writing their names on cards to put on the register poster, developed muscle strength through ‘Play Dough Disco’ and written about their Summer holidays. They have all made butterflies for our Storth stand in the School tent at the Westmorland County Show.

Year 1’s have made a flower for the birthday chart and Year 2’s have written what they want to achieve this year. The children have learnt about jobs in the classroom and been allocated a monitor responsibility. We have new resources in the classroom eg Brio train track, cars and track, craft area and Bee bots that the children have been playing with and tidying away brilliantly!

Many of the children have now got new reading books and reading records. The reading record is provided so that you can make comments about the reading your child does with you at home. Please ensure it comes to school every day. The aim is for reading books to be changed in school on Mondays. However, if you would like more books please feel free to change them before then. Thank you for all the effort that is put into reading with your child at home. Also, if your child reads anything other than a school reading book, eg magazines, Top Trump cards, please make a note of this in their book.

The theme until Monday 16th September is ‘Superheroes,’ this will then change to ‘Homes.’

Friday Baking
On a rota basis, a small group of children will be baking every Friday with Miss Morgan. The children will choose what they would like to bake as a group and then record the ingredients they need. Some children may need to go to the Post Office to buy ingredients. Two adults will accompany the children, this is covered by our in-locality agreement, if you have any concerns please let us know. We hope this will develop a wide range of skills in a fun way.

Forest School will start for Class 2 after October half term. Please ensure that a spare set of clothes is available in school each day as well as a waterproof coat. We now have a wellie rack in the PE shed, next to the greenhouse, so please ensure your child has one pair of named wellies.

This term PE is on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Please, can you make sure PE bags stay in school and also contain named tracksuit bottoms, socks and a spare set of clothes?

We encourage the children to bring a water bottle every day. This will be used at lunchtimes, playtimes and in PE. The fruit is provided for Years 1 and 2 at morning break and the option of tuck is also available. If your child would like milk then this can be arranged via the Coolmilk website.

The children have decorated their Wednesday Challenge books and will receive homework relating to the learning taking place in school. The book comes home on Wednesday and we encourage children to complete it and put into the homework tray on or before Monday. Please read through their work and check it with them. Talk about any mistakes and how they can be corrected.

Big Spelling
Each child will be given a special spelling book. This book should live in their book bags. Children will be given their spellings on a Monday morning and should practise them through the week. It would really help if parents or carers could find a few minutes each evening to quickly go through the spellings with the children.
The children will be assessed on their spellings each Friday. If they are secure they will be given new spellings the following week, if not they may well bring the same spellings back again.
Please assist your child as best you can, and make sure their spelling book comes to school in their book bag each day so that they can practise at school too. Children should be encouraged to write out their spellings as often as possible – please do not feel limited by just filling in the weekly sheet. One good way of practising is to put the word into a sentence and ask your child to write the sentence.

Here are some ideas to support your child at home;
• Daily reading (school or home books, magazines)
• Writing (stories, diaries, recounts)
• Cooking (reading instructions, weighing and measuring)
• Shopping (using coins and getting change)
• Telling the time

If anyone would like to help with any school activities, for example hearing readers, Forest School, school trips etc. please let us know.

We look forward to working with your children and yourselves in the year ahead, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to talk to any member of the team.

Kind regards,

Mrs Robinson