Health and Safety

Click here to Download the Health and Safety Policy




This document outlines the local arrangements we have in place to manage health and safety. We refer to the advice and guidance provided by Westmorland and Furness County Council as well as nationally recognised safety standards. These arrangements support our Health and Safety Policy Statement which is displayed in school and available on request.
All staff and any other relevant persons will be made aware of the policy statement and arrangements at induction and following each review. We will also make them aware of any supporting guidance, contacts, systems, relevant risk assessments or training requirements which support these arrangements. All staff will be required to sign a declaration of acceptance following communication of the policy statement and arrangements.


Professional Health and Safety Support

Cumbria County Council’s Corporate Health and Safety Team provides our specialist health and safety advisory service. They provide written safety guidance, model policies and template forms via the schools’ portal and other supporting systems.
The team can be contacted during office hours at:
Corporate Health and Safety Team
Cumbria County Council
Carlisle East Community Fire Station
Eastern Way, Carlisle
Telephone: 01228 221616 Email:

The lead contacts for schools are:
• Sharon McCubbin – Senior Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager
Email: Telephone: 07825 340570
• Matt Ellis – Evolve/Outdoor Learning and Educational Visits Advisory Service
Email: Telephone: 017687 72005
Emergency Out-of-hours Service – Health and Safety

The Local Authority Health and Safety Team also operates a 24/7 out-of-hours service for emergency advice and support. This can be accessed by dialling 0300 303 1042. You will then either be put straight through to an Advisor or be able to leave a message including your contact telephone number and a Safety Adviser will contact you as soon as possible.

Additional Safeguarding, Health and Safety Support

Additional support on safeguarding and health and safety matters can be obtained from Kym Allan Safeguarding, Health and Safety Consultants Ltd. (KAHSC). Tel: 01228 210152 (office hours and out of hours emergencies), Fax: 01228 210153, email: or web:

List of Supporting Roles, Systems and Documents

Everyone has responsibilities for ensuring a positive approach to health and safety in school. The Governing Body and Head teacher have delegated certain specific tasks and roles to support our safety arrangements. There are also key supporting documents and systems to help us manage safety effectively. For ease, a list of these is provided as an appendix to this document, and staff are asked to familiarise themselves with these important contacts and information.

Archiving and Document Control

Health and safety related documentation will be retained securely and in accordance with the Information Records Management Society (IRMS) – Records Management Toolkit for Schools (May 2019).

Data Protection and the Use of Images in School

The school recognises its duties under the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. Due care will be taken with records management and in the use of any media which clearly identify pupils.
The school will seek parental consent for use of data and images related to a child when a child first starts at school and at least at each change of key stage (or annually).
Photography or filming will only occur with the permission of the Head teacher and under the strict supervision of staff. Where filming or photography is carried out by the news media, children will only be named when there is good reason, e.g. prize winning. Home addresses will never be disclosed.
There may be other circumstances falling outside the normal day-to-day activities in school in which pictures of children are requested. The school recognises that in such circumstances specific consent from the parent/carer will be required before the school can permit the filming or photography of children.
Further guidance and sample consent forms can be found in the Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Notes listed below.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 21 – Images in Schools – Good Practice
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 27 – Use of Camera Mobile Phones in School
Data Protection Act 2018: Data Protection Act 2018
IRMS – Records Management Toolkit for Schools (May 2019)



The Governing Body will recognise, co-operate and consult with properly appointed Health and Safety Representatives to enable them to fulfil their statutory functions and ensure that effective arrangements are in place for consultation and communication with staff within school. Provision will be made for specific staff safety committees where requested.
Any additions and alterations to the Health and Safety Policy or arrangements will be circulated promptly to staff.
Health and safety will be a standing item on the agenda for staff and relevant Governor level meetings. Staff Representatives will be invited to attend and will report back to their own department or team on issues raised and discussed.
Information and/or advice on matters relating to the health, safety and welfare of employees will be circulated via staff meetings unless it is of immediate importance to any individual employee or group of employees.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 1 – Information and Communication
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 3 – Employee Consultation on Health and Safety
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 29 – Safety Representatives and Safety Committees


The Governing Body will develop a written Health and Safety Management Plan which will be used as a working document. This will be used to record and keep track of planned safety-related actions such as routine maintenance, safety-related training, document reviews and actions from inspections and audits. The plan will include the name of person responsible, priority rating, costs and planned timescales.

References and Useful Links

Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > Health and Safety Management Plan


The Governing Body with the support of the Head teacher will, at intervals that it determines appropriate, monitor and review the school’s health and safety management system to ensure its continuing suitability. Relevant staff and other parties will be involved as appropriate. Reviews of specific risk areas may also be undertaken. Reviews shall be documented where appropriate.
The review process aims to identify where changes to policy, objectives and other elements of the health and safety management system are required.

Typical information used in such a review may include the following items:
a) Accident statistics/trends;
b) Results of internal and external occupational health and safety management system audits, updated legislative requirements and corrective actions implemented since the previous review;
c) The findings from premises inspections or other monitoring exercises;
d) Reports of emergencies (actual or exercises);
e) Reports from individuals on the effectiveness of the system locally;
f) Reports of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes.

Typical actions following such a review may include the following items:
a) Minuted discussions and detail of the review;
b) Revisions to the Health and Safety Policy and objectives;
c) Specific corrective or improvement actions with assigned responsibilities and target dates for completion and review;
d) Areas of emphasis to be reflected in the planning of future internal occupational health and safety management system.

Those undertaking such reviews will report as required following its completion.

References and Useful Links

Templates in the form of termly monitoring checklists and annual Premises Health and Safety Checklist are provided by Cumbria County Council to help break down this process for Head teachers and Governing Bodies:
Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > Governors’ Monitoring Forms


The Governors (or Health and Safety Sub-committee) in liaison with the Head teacher and/or Health and Safety Coordinator will undertake a health and safety inspection of the school premises on at least an annual basis. The findings of these inspections will be recorded. Any corrective actions required following these inspections will be reported and discussed with the Head teacher. Where possible, action will be taken immediately, or if planned actions are required these will be added to our Health and Safety Management Plan. Any Health and Safety Union Representative for the school will be invited to attend these inspections.

Safety Inspection Regimes

More frequent safety inspections will be carried out by nominated staff to ensure:
a) Cleanliness of all workplaces, good housekeeping, the removal of waste, suitable storage of materials, books and files, etc.;
b) Welfare and sanitary provisions (male/female, children’s and disabled toilet facilities) are in good order;
c) Good condition of premises and equipment, including highlighting defects;
d) Recording of specific inspections is taking place, e.g. asbestos monitoring, pre-use visual checks of electrical and work equipment, visual inspection of play/gym equipment, vehicle checks;
e) Supervision of relevant activities is taking place on the school site;
f) Suitability of on-site vehicle movements (Traffic Management Plans).

Defect Identification and Reporting

We recognise that defective equipment or dangerous conditions can lead to personal injury or harm. No defective electrical appliance or lead, and no defective mechanical device or tool that might give rise to danger may be used.
All defects to equipment or furniture and minor defects to doors, floors, walls etc. are to be reported to a nominated person. That person will ensure that the necessary action is taken to rectify each defect without delay. Where the repair of low risk defects is a longer term objective, these will be added to the school’s Health and Safety Management Plan.
All staff are required to report accidents, incidents, near misses, defects and hazards. If, following their report, they are not satisfied with the actions taken to address their concerns, they may raise the issue through their usual line management route. If the problem remains unresolved, then the issue may be referred to the Head teacher or Governing Body.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 11 – Health and Safety Inspections of CCC Workplaces
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 28 – Building Management and Health and Safety Coordination

External Health and Safety Management Audits

External audits are independent, unbiased reviews of the school’s management system and can be a very useful exercise.

Cumbria County Council’s Corporate Health and Safety Team will arrange to carry out a full health and safety management system audit at three yearly intervals. These audits will be carried out by a qualified safety auditor. Following this process we will be supplied with a detailed report containing requirements and recommendations to improve our existing arrangements. Any recommended actions arising from these audits will be addressed by the Head teacher and Governing Body within the recommended timescales and with the support and guidance of the Corporate Health and Safety Team where required.

References and Useful Links

OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
HSG 65 – Successful Health and Safety Management (HSE publication)
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 5 – Measurement, Audit and Review of Performance in the Management of Health and Safety


The purpose of undertaking a risk assessment is to identify significant risks, to document what hazards exist and the measures necessary to control them. Risk assessment allows us to meet the principle requirement of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and to establish safe ways to work and to protect staff, pupils and workers and any others who may be affected by school activities.
We tailor and adapt the model school risk assessments provided by Cumbria County Council via the schools’ portal. For Science, Food Technology and Design Technology we utilise CLEAPSS model assessments and Hazards provided at
For Educational Visits and Outdoor Learning we tailor model risk assessments supplied on the County Council’s EVOLVE system.
Where model risk assessments are used as a basis, we ensure that these are tailored to reflect the actual activities in relation to the school.
Although the Head teacher remains responsible for ensuring development, all staff within school could be involved in the risk assessment process. When relevant, risk assessments will be developed and/or reviewed with the input of affected staff. Development will usually be led by an individual who has received specific training in the theory of risk assessment such as IOSH Managing Safely in Schools, and a teacher/head of department/assistant who has the hands-on experience of tasks being assessed. Where significant risks are identified, appropriate measures and/or safe working practices are introduced to reduce/eliminate such hazards.
Risk assessments will be reviewed at least annually or sooner should circumstances change, to ensure they remain effective. They will be signed and dated by the person undertaking them.
Staff should ensure they are aware of any risk assessments relevant to their roles, and completed risk assessments will be available at all times for staff to view and will be held as working documents.

Specialist or Specific Risk Assessments

In any specialist or subject specific areas, it is expected that the relevant Head of Department or nominated lead will make arrangements for ensuring suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken, in order to comply with relevant legislation and to follow recognised good practice issued by professional and specialist bodies. Specific risk assessments will be undertaken for the following areas where appropriate:
• Science
• Design Technology
• Food Technology
• Art and Design
• Physical Education
• Educational Visits and Outdoor Learning
• Construction Activities
• Cleaning
• Occupational Road Risk/Transport
• Fire
• Legionella
• Risk assessments relating to individual pupils or staff, e.g. Moving and Handling, Young Workers, or New and Expectant Mothers.
Advice will be sought from the Local Authority’s Health and Safety Team where required.

New and Expectant Mothers – Risk Assessment

When a member of staff notifies the Head teacher of their pregnancy, relevant risk assessments will be considered and an additional individual assessment carried out to ensure that throughout pregnancy, while at work and on return to work, risks to their health and safety are adequately controlled.

Young Persons at Work – Risk Assessment

Where work placements are provided for young persons at the school, suitable and sufficient risk assessment will be carried out before the placement commences. The exact nature of the duties permitted to be undertaken by the student will depend on age, experience and coursework being undertaken by the work experience student.
A designated member of staff will supervise all work experience students. They will oversee the placement and provide general guidance and advice on school routines, expected standards of behaviour, and duties etc.
The work experience student will effectively become a member of the school staff for the period of their visit. A full health and safety induction will be carried out on day one of the placement.
All work experience students will be provided with their regular times of work. To ensure safety, if work placement students wish to leave the site during break time or lunch breaks, it will be necessary to inform a member of the staff before they leave and to observe signing in/out procedures.
If the school is required to produce a report or record of the experience, this will need to be discussed with a supervising staff member at the start of the visit.
Where the school organises or requests pupils to organise work experience placements, then checks are carried out to determine that the workplace is considered safe for the pupil. Guidance is provided on the schools’ portal.

References and Useful Links

Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > Risk Assessments
Evolve –
Association for PE –
HSE Risk Assessment site –
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 09 – Risk Assessment in Educational Establishments
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 15 – Risk Assessment
School’s current Risk Assessments


Risk assessment will be used to determine staff ratios for effective pupil supervision. During school hours pupils will not be left unsupervised, including at break times. Any areas that are out-of-bounds, or where there are special hazards, will be drawn to the attention of all relevant persons.

Before and After School

Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child attends school at the appropriate time and that children are collected from school within reasonable time of the school finishing.
There is no legislation which covers the supervision of pupils before and after school. The school recognises, however, that pupils cannot all be expected to arrive at school at the same time. Differing transport arrangements might mean that there are some early arrivals in the morning and perhaps some pupils waiting for transport after school.
The school’s duty of care exists so long as pupils are on the school premises with the school’s consent, but it is unreasonable for the school to have to take responsibility for those arriving at school before supervision could reasonably be expected to be in place.
In the case of pupils arriving/leaving on school transport, staff will be available to supervise pupils as they arrive at school. Depending on the age and/or ability of the pupils, supervision may begin when they enter the school grounds. In some cases, however, circumstances may dictate that pupils are collected from the vehicle by a member of staff in person.
Should it be felt that the transport is arriving at the school at an unreasonable time, the County Council’s School Transport Team or other transport providers will be contacted to address any issues.
The school website/prospectus outlines when the school will take responsibility for children before school opens and at the end of the day, and reminds parents that before/after then, there will be nobody to supervise pupils. If, for any reason, arrangements have to be changed, parents will be told well in advance.
Younger, i.e. foundation age pupils, will be kept in school and handed over to parents/carers once they arrive. This may also be undertaken for pupils in key stage one but is not a statutory requirement. Any pupils with special educational needs will be considered separately, and risk assessment will be used where necessary to determine the supervision and handover procedure of the pupil concerned.
Pupils who arrive at school knowing that supervision arrangements are not in operation are there at their own risk, and parents will be informed that, during this time, the responsibility for the safety of those pupils rests with the parent/carer. However, should a member of staff be present and a dangerous situation develops, the member of staff will attempt to intervene or to seek assistance as the situation requires.

Non-collection of Pupils

Where a pupil is not collected as part of the normal collection routine, the Head teacher or person nominated by them will contact the parents, carer or other authorised person to collect the child.
The child will not be allowed to leave with anyone other than those named (this includes members of staff).
The child must stay with two members of staff at school until they are safely collected by the parent/carer or social worker.

The protocol below will be followed:
15 minutes after non-collection at the normal time Call pupil’s emergency contact numbers in hierarchical order.

30 minutes after non-collection at the normal time Continue to make repeated attempts to contact the normal emergency contact numbers provided by the parent/carer.

1 hour after non-collection at normal time Telephone Cumbria Safeguarding Hub on 0333 2401727 and seek further advice, providing the pupil’s name, age and the details of all provided contact numbers.
A full written report of the incident will be recorded and held. Ofsted will be made aware of any serious childcare incidents but usually only if the Police or Children’s Services are involved and concerns remain for a child’s welfare.

References and Useful Links

Children’s Services – Children and Families weblink –
School’s Child Protection Policy and procedures and Missing Child Procedures
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 –


We aim to ensure that any vehicles accessing and leaving our site do so safely. We will develop traffic management plans as required to organise and minimise risks. We implement risk assessment and control procedures to control the risks to staff driving for work purposes (Road Risk). We liaise with the Local Authority Transport team and providers where required to ensure the safe operation of home to school transport arrangements.
Where we are responsible for transporting pupils during term time, we will employ competent transport contractors and ensure that pupils wear appropriate seatbelts/restraints.
We actively encourage parents/carers to act responsibly when dropping off and collecting pupils and where issues arise we take appropriate action to report and address problems.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 11 – Minibus Drivers
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 25 – Managing Occupational Road Risk
Outdoor Education Adviser Panel National Guidance a-d)


The school does not recommend that staff work alone on school premises. However, there might be situations in which people may choose to or find themselves working alone. This might occur, for example, at the beginning and end of the working day, at night or weekends, and could apply to any member of staff or contractor. There is no general legal prohibition on working alone. Where it is not possible for the work to be done safely by a lone worker, arrangements for providing help or back-up will be put in place.
Lone working risk assessments will include consideration of:
• any locations, equipment, tasks or workplace hazards that present a special risk to the lone worker;
• safe access and egress for the lone worker and supervision/monitoring arrangements;
• arrangements for emergencies, e.g. fire, first aid and security arrangements;
• personal safety risks, e.g. potential risk of violence;
• whether particular people are at an elevated risk, e.g. those with pre-existing conditions or young workers;
• experience and training of the lone worker.
Lone working is not permitted by the school when working at height, carrying out hot works, e.g. cutting and welding, working in confined spaces, or for the use of potentially dangerous machinery, e.g. lathes, benchsaws, chainsaws.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 16 – Lone Working
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 24 – Lone Working


The Head teacher and Governing Body will ensure that a ‘whole school’ risk assessment in relation to stress at work is carried out in line with Cumbria County Council’s Management of Work-Related Stress in Schools Safety Procedure No. 20. Where an individual reports stress-related issues, we will utilise the Individual Stress Questionnaire to identity where further action or support is required.
The school adopts the six key management standards recognised by the HSE as a major cause of stress-related illness and will ensure that:
a) The Risk Assessment will:
• consider potential issues for all staff in school, including the Head teacher;
• consider any recognised guidance from approved bodies such as the HSE, teaching associations and trade unions;
• be communicated to all staff in school, recognising that everyone has a part to play in solving the identified problems;
• identify who is responsible for taking action;
• include review dates to evaluate progress and to develop further actions as necessary.
b) The results of the whole school risk assessment will be used to develop an Action Plan to tackle any ‘whole school’ problem areas identified.
c) We will, through our usual consultation mechanisms, liaise with recognised teaching associations, the Local Authority and trade union representatives on issues relating to reducing stress-related illness. This process will ensure that our staff receive sufficient instruction and/or information to understand how to recognise the symptoms of stress.
d) We will offer a range of support mechanisms for the individual, including signposting them to support through Occupational Health, their own GP, or an employee assistance programme.
e) We will provide support for staff returning to work after sickness absence, including the completion of return to work procedures to identify suitable controls, e.g. consideration of phased return to work where appropriate.
f) We will ensure that any performance management protocols that operate within school consider the potential for stress.
g) We will ensure prompt referral to the Occupational Health service in all reported cases of work-related stress.
h) The Governing Body will follow current policy and procedures for managing staff absence.
i) The Governing Body will seek further guidance and support where required.

References and Useful Links

Health and Safety Executive Website – Stress at Work:
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 20 – Management of Stress at Work
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 33 – Management of Work-Related Stress in Schools
Whole School Stress Risk Assessment


Training, Awareness and Competence

The school will ensure that staff are competent to perform tasks that may impact on health and safety. Competence is defined in terms of appropriate training and/or experience. Training procedures shall take into account differing levels of responsibility, ability, literacy and risk.
Determining the health and safety training needs of the school will be considered in conjunction with staff members. These needs may be identified as part of personal learning and development procedures or through other means such as fulfilling legal obligations (e.g. first aid training), through risk assessment, following accidents or incidents, or following the acquisition of new equipment and machinery.

Induction Training

All new members of staff (including volunteers, students and pupils on work experience) will be given a formal workplace induction and will be encouraged to familiarise themselves with the health and safety procedures and arrangements in school. The school has adopted the Model Health and Safety Induction Profile provided by Cumbria County Council. This will be completed by the Health and Safety Coordinator or nominated deputy with each new starter/trainee, during the first week of their employment. It is the responsibility of the Health and Safety Coordinator to ensure that the relevant procedures and documentation have been seen and understood.

Health and Safety Training Records

A formal health and safety training plan is maintained as a working document. This will list all health and safety training that has been carried out. It will include health and safety training provided for those with specific health and safety responsibilities, e.g. Head teachers and Health and Safety Coordinators, such as IOSH Managing Safely in Schools. The training plan will highlight any statutory refresher training that may be required.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 12 – Health and Safety Induction Training
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 31 Awareness and Competency in Health and Safety


The Head teacher and Health and Safety Co-ordinator are responsible for ensuring that the procedures for reporting accidents, incidents and work-related ill health are made known to all new employees at induction. The Head teacher or person delegated by them will be responsible for ensuring such events are properly investigated, and that a report is made and returned in the manner outlined by Cumbria County Council within its procedures.
Accident statistics are reported to the Governing Body on an annual basis to enable any patterns to be identified and to determine, where necessary, suitable measures to prevent recurrence.

Reporting Accidents and Incidents

Without exception, all employees are required to report work-related accidents and incidents to their respective supervisors or other responsible persons as soon as possible, providing as much detail and information as possible.
Anyone who is notified of a serious accident/incident must inform the Head teacher and the Corporate Health and Safety Team by the quickest possible means (usually telephone) so that the appropriate support and follow up can be arranged.
The latest version of the Local Authority’s Accident/Incident Form must be completed with a copy forwarded to:
Corporate Health and Safety Team
Cumbria County Council
Carlisle East Community Fire Station
Eastern Way
Carlisle, CA1 3RA
Completed forms can also be faxed to 01228 226291 or scanned and emailed to
It is important that the above forms (especially for serious incidents) are forwarded by the quickest possible means and certainly within 7 days of the accident/incident.

Accidents Involving Pupils

• The ‘Pupils’ Accident Book’ must be completed for all incidents/accidents involving children/pupils.
• The Local Authority’s Accident/Incident Form will also be completed in all but the most minor case of injury. The rule of thumb is to complete one if a parent/carer has to be contacted to collect the child from school to seek further medical advice, they are taken to hospital by staff or ambulance, or if a pupil suffers a blow to the head.
• The form, once completed, should be copied and held in school with the original sent to the Corporate Health and Safety Team.
• The school reports all injuries to parents. ‘Bump letters’ are sent home with pupils following any accident involving head injuries.

Reporting To Ofsted and Local Child Protection Agencies

Our Early Years Provision is not registered with Ofsted separately from the school so is not on the Early Years Register and therefore there is no legal requirement for us to notify Ofsted of any serious accidents, injuries or deaths which occur in relation to the childcare we provide.
However, in line with the Statutory Framework for EYFS we will notify or our local Child Protection Agency of any serious accidents, injuries or deaths which occur in relation to the childcare we provide to EYFS children.

Accidents Involving Adults (Staff, Visitors, Contractors etc.)

• The Local Authority’s Accident/Incident Form will be completed in all cases and signed off by the Head teacher. It must be completed in all cases involving work-related ill health (excluding stress) and violence to staff.
• The form, once completed, should be copied and handed to the nominated person who will ensure that a copy is taken and the original is sent to the Corporate Health and Safety Team.
• The Official Social Security Accident Book (with tear-out pages) must be completed for all incidents/accidents involving adults at the same time as the Local Authority’s Accident/Incident Form, but there are no restrictions on who completes the entry. After each entry is made, the page shall be torn out, a copy given to the injured person and the original placed in a sealed envelope and passed to the nominated member of staff who will file it in a secure/confidential location in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.


• The Reporting Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) place a statutory duty on employers to notify the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of all relevant specified injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences. Any accident or incidents which trigger RIDDOR reporting requirements must be sent to through to the Corporate Health and Safety Team by the quickest possible means.
• Advisors will check all submitted accident/incident forms and will report to the Health and Safety Executive on our behalf. They may contact us for more information or to notify us when RIDDOR reports have been made.

Post-incident Investigation and Further Actions

The Head teacher and Health and Safety Co-ordinator are responsible for ensuring that all cases of accidental injury, ill-health, violence or dangerous occurrences are properly investigated.
Any investigation made will be proportionate to the seriousness of the incident and will be recorded in writing. It must address the circumstances surrounding any accident/incident in order to try and identify any unsafe conditions or unsafe acts which led to the incident. An investigation may include obtaining witness statements, photographs and other relevant documentation (investigation templates are available to download from the schools’ portal). A copy of any completed investigation should be forwarded to the Corporate Health and Safety Team, who will ensure it is held with the original accident report. This will also enable them to advise or comment on the proposed measures to prevent a recurrence.
The school’s own investigation may be supplemented by an additional investigation by a member of the Corporate Health and Safety Team or enforcement authority (the HSE or Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, depending on the circumstances).
The immediate post-incident action taken by management to prevent a recurrence will be recorded on the Local Authority’s Accident/Incident Form. They should also indicate where existing risk assessments, plans or procedures will be reviewed.

Violence or Aggressive Behaviour towards Staff

The school takes a serious view of any incidence of violence against its employees and takes responsibility for protecting all of its employees from acts of violence and aggression. Such acts must never become an acceptable hazard of working life.
A system of reporting and monitoring incidents of violence and aggression using the accident/ incident form is adopted so that appropriate action can be taken to improve safety for employees in the workplace.

Near Misses

It is important that near misses are reported. Near misses might be the next injury and as such, particular attention should be paid to reporting them and undertaking any necessary action in order to prevent a further incident. This can be done using the near miss reporting form.

References and useful links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 03 – RIDDOR
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 6 – Reporting and Investigation of Accidents, Incidents, Occupational Ill-Health and Dangerous Occurrences
DfE Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework


Where the school receives a letter of claim or a claim notification form (CNF) in the event of a personal injury, we will:
• immediately forward the letter of claim or CNF to the County Council Insurance Section or the Corporate Health and Safety Team, in order that they can acknowledge receipt of the letter of claim or CNF within one business day;
• promptly provide information requested by the Corporate Health and Safety Team, who are required to investigate employee injury claims within 30 business days;
• promptly provide information requested by the Corporate Health and Safety Team, who are required to investigate all other public liability claims (i.e. non-employees) within 40 business days.
The school utilises the assistance of the County Council’s Insurance Section and will notify them on the day a letter of claim or CNF is received. Email –

References and Useful Links

Schools’ Portal > Reference library > Administration and Management > Insurance and Risk Management > Liability Claims.


All teaching staff act ‘in loco parentis’ during the time that the school is open for pupils. All injuries, whether to staff, pupils or visitors, must be recorded via the system detailed above using the appropriate report forms. First aid must be administered by staff members only. Pupils are not permitted to give first aid.

First Aid Facilities

Our first aid requirements are based on risk assessment, and include:
a) Designated workplace First Aiders (names displayed on posters in school);
b) Adequate numbers of suitably qualified staff providing first aid provision for pupils;
c) Identified locations of first aid boxes with complete and “in date” contents;
d) A designated room for medical emergencies near to, or containing, toilet, wash basin etc.;
e) Travelling first aid kits where required;
f) First aid considerations for off-site visits.
If there are any concerns about a pupil’s health or wellbeing, appropriate action will be taken dependent on the circumstances, e.g. contacting the emergency services or parents/carers to collect the pupil. If parents/carers cannot be contacted, a staff member will take the pupil to the nearest Accident and Emergency department.

First Aid Records

School will record any first-aid treatment given by First Aiders and appointed persons. This will include:
• the date, time and place of the incident;
• the name (and class) of the injured or ill person;
• details of the injury/illness and what first-aid was given;
• what happened to the person immediately afterwards (e.g. went home, resumed normal duties, went back to class, went to hospital);
• name and signature of the First Aider or person dealing with the incident.


The school recognises its duty under Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014 to support pupils with medical conditions and maintains a list of pupils with particular medical needs. We operate documented procedures to enable adequate plans and support to be put into place.

Administration of Medication in School

We follow national guidance and the advice set out in Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(M) 01 – Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Medication in Schools, which is available on request. Where required, anyone requiring medication or medical support in schools will have an individual healthcare plan created with the support of key medical personnel which will be reviewed at least annually.

References and Useful Links

Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > First Aid
Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > Medication and Medical Devices
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, Approved Code of Practice and guidance -
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 02 – First Aid in Schools
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 03 – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(M) 01 – Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 7 – First Aid at Work
DfE Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework


If a child is absent through illness, it is the responsibility of the parents to inform the school of the reasons for absence. If no contact is made by 10.00am the school will contact the parents. (Parents will be aware of the school’s protocols for absence reporting),
If doubt is expressed regarding a child’s health during school hours, parents are contacted and requested to take the child home or to seek medical advice and a request that information be relayed to the school as soon as possible. Should there be difficulty in obtaining parental contact and a condition is considered serious, the child will be removed to hospital by school staff.
When pupils are suffering from a disease or infection, parents will be advised to seek professional medical advice regarding the date the child can return to school without fear of infecting other pupils. If necessary, parents may be notified by letter, of any serious threats to the health of pupils.
We display the Public Health England guidance ‘Health Protection in Schools and Other Childcare Settings’ 2017 available from the Gov.Uk website: in school. This provides information regarding the care of children and of adults dealing with ‘infection control’. If required, we will seek the advice of:
Public Health England (PHE)
Cumbria and Lancashire Health Protection Team
Lancashire County Council
Pitt Street Reception County Hall
PR1 8XB Tel: 0344 225 0562 option 2 Fax: 01772 251789 Out of office: 0151 434 4819
Pupils will only be excluded from school if guidance dictates this is necessary.
All staff should take precautions to avoid infection and must follow the ‘prevention and control’ guidance in the PHE link above. Staff must wear single-use disposable gloves and make use of hand washing facilities, and should take care when dealing with blood or other body fluids and disposing of dressings or equipment. When administering first aid or dealing with blood or body fluids staff will wear single-use disposable gloves and make use of hand washing facilities. Midday supervisors will carry a small supply of the disposable gloves with them when supervising play. Dressings, cleaning cloths or equipment will be disposed of appropriately. Individuals treating colleagues/pupils must ensure that their own cuts/grazes are covered to reduce the risk of transmission of infection.

References and Useful Links

Public Health England homepage –
Public Health England guidance ‘Health Protection in Schools and Other Childcare Settings’ 2017:
NHS Choices Website –
DfE Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework


The school has established a separate Child Protection Policy and supporting procedures in line with the procedures and practice of the Local Authority as part of the inter-agency safeguarding procedures set up by the Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP).


Comprehensive arrangements are in place for fire safety and emergencies. We also have a separate Fire Safety Management Policy including our Emergency Evacuation Plan, a School Emergency Plan, a Fire Risk Assessment and a Premises Fire Log Book.

Fire Risk Assessment

A documented fire risk assessment is in place, kept up to date and made available to all staff. A copy of this is also held off-site. The risk assessment will be reviewed and updated annually or sooner should there be any significant alterations, incidents or changes in school.

Fire Safety Coordination

The Head teacher or nominated person will act as the Fire Safety Coordinator and, with the support of all staff, ensure all fire safety checks are carried out. Fire evacuation exercises are held at the beginning of each new term and recorded in the fire log book.

In the Event of Fire

Raising the alarm – any member of staff (or visitor) discovering a fire must raise the alarm using the fire alarm manual call points (break glass points) located around school (where present) and shouting “Fire”.
Fire Action Notices detailing the action to take in the event of fire are displayed next to each fire alarm manual call point. Plans detailing escape routes, location of fire extinguishers etc. are also clearly displayed around the building and within classrooms. These are also intended to provide emergency information for those persons/visitors who are unfamiliar with the premises.
Visitors – a nominated member of staff is responsible for taking the visitors book to the assembly point to ensure that all visitors and contractors are accounted for by way of a roll call. Visitors must follow the instructions of members of staff in the event of an evacuation.
Assisting vulnerable people/people with disabilities – where pupils or staff in school have disabilities, e.g. mobility difficulties, visual or hearing impairment, or special needs, Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) will be developed outlining how they will be evacuated or assisted to evacuate the premises.
Similarly, should there be any disabled visitors to the school, a ‘buddy’ system will be set up whereby named persons are responsible for ensuring these persons are assisted to evacuate the building quickly and safely.
Catering – staff must ensure that, if the alarm is raised, they activate any safety cut-off valves where these are available, and also any electrical or gas equipment that they might be using (if safe to do so), e.g. deep fat fryer or oven, and evacuate the building by the nearest available exit.
Contractors/visitors – all contractors or visitors entering the school will be familiarised with the school’s fire safety arrangements on signing in. Any outside group hiring the school’s facilities will be instructed in the fire procedures and expected fire safety standards prior to using the building.
Lone workers – people who might be lone working must be aware of the emergency actions they must take in the event of a fire.
Assembly points – children, visitors and staff will gather at their agreed assembly point(s) outlined on Fire Action Notices displayed in school. Class teachers will act as Fire Wardens and ensure that roll call information is provided to the Fire Safety Coordinator.
Lunchtimes – where an evacuation occurs at lunchtimes, Midday Supervisors are responsible for co-ordinating an evacuation from dining areas, and registers will be taken to assembly points to enable a roll call to be taken.
The Fire Safety Coordinator(s) will take overall control during the evacuation process. Their duties include:
• ensuring the fire and rescue service is called where required;
• coordination of people at assembly points;
• ensuring the evacuation is conducted effectively;
• delegating certain tasks to other suitable personnel;
• liaison with the emergency services on arrival and provision of key information requested by the Fire Service, e.g.
– results of roll call, i.e. has everyone been accounted for?
– location of fire (if known);
– types and locations of highly flammable substances;
– the nearest water supply fire hydrant;
– provision of information on locations of asbestos;
– the gas and electricity main shut-off valve locations;
– the Fire Risk Assessment;
• initiating disaster recovery procedures;
• ensuring that no-one is permitted to re-enter the building until the Fire and Rescue Service have given the ‘all clear’.
Fire Warden (class teacher) duties include:
• helping children and others (i.e. visitors) to leave the premises;
• checking their area to ensure everyone has left – undertaking sweeps of classes, toilets, cloakrooms etc.;
• using appropriate firefighting equipment if trained and safe to do so;
• reporting to the Fire Safety Coordinator;
• shutting down dangerous equipment and operating emergency shut-off switches;
• taking the register/roll call for their particular class, and immediately reporting anyone who is known to be off-site or missing to the Head teacher and/or liaising with the Fire and Rescue Service.

Escape Routes, Final Exits and Fire Doors

All escape routes will be kept clear of obstruction and will be clearly marked with green ‘running man’ signs and directional arrows where appropriate. All staff must be aware of the location of final exits and alternative escape routes.
All exits will be readily openable from the inside without the use of a key (e.g. thumb turn locks, push pads or push bar) at all times including outside normal school hours, e.g. during evening performances or after school meetings.
The school operates a formal system for checking fire doors and fire exit doors to ensure they remain in safe condition, e.g. they close/meet properly, intumescent strips/smoke seals are in good condition, self-closing devices are operational, final exits can be easily opened without the use of a key etc. The Fire Safety Coordinator or nominated representative is responsible for checking and recording in the fire log book the condition of fire doors and final exit doors and reporting any defects on a monthly basis.

Fire-fighting Equipment

This equipment must only be used by trained staff to tackle small fires if it is safe to do so and to assist escape from fire. Means of escape must not be compromised when tackling a fire.

Other Emergencies

In the event of a full school evacuation, a Reception Centre is available.
We hold an analogue landline telephone as back-up in the event of an emergency where the digital or mobile signal is lost.

Bomb Threats or Suspicious Packages

Although very rare occurrences, the school recognises the importance of ensuring that emergency plans and procedures need to be in place for dealing with potential or actual threats.
These will include measures if suspicions are raised by a verbal threat or unidentifiable package/article on the school site. We follow the information set out in the Home Office document, Protecting Against Terrorism, which has replaced Bombs – Protecting People and Property, and can be found by going to

School Closures – Emergency and Planned

The Head teacher will be responsible for taking the decision to close the school in an emergency. The school will follow the procedure outlined in Cumbria County Council’s School Closures Advice (Planned & Emergencies) displayed in school. All parents will be contacted by the quickest available means. Should there be no contact available; any affected children will remain in school.

References and Useful Links

Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > Fire Safety
Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > Emergencies in Schools
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 8 – Fire Safety
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 – DOE Guidance
Fire Risk Assessment in Educational Premises – Free Download
School’s own Fire Risk Assessment
School’s own Emergency Evacuation procedures
School’s own Emergency Plan
Emergency Closures Advice for Schools – Health and Safety Team
Emergencies and your school – Emergency Planning, Cumbria County Council
Guidance notes on suspicious packages – Emergency Planning, Cumbria County Council


Contractor Competence and Compliance

All contractors will be issued with and must comply with the Cumbria County Council’s Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice.
Governors and the Head teacher will ensure all contractors and sub-contractors are properly selected and vetted with regard to their health and safety competence. The selection of contractors will take into account contractor competence, i.e. membership of and accreditation by recognised bodies, liability insurance and other related factors, to ensure health and safety compliance is met. Questionnaires are available to assist in the selection process.
We will where necessary utilise the advice of the County Council’s Corporate Procurement Team as there may be appropriate approved suppliers who have already gone through a vetting process.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria County Council – Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice


The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations (CDM) 2015 apply to all construction projects where people are at work. Construction has a very broad ranging definition including building, demolition, renovation, redecoration, roof work, rewiring, building, excavation and high pressure cleaning.
Wherever the school organises construction work, it becomes a “Client” under CDM.
Wherever more than one contractor (including sub-contractors) is involved in the construction work or where a notifiable project is undertaken (more than 30 days duration and 20 or more people working at any one time, or more than 500 person days of construction work), the school informs the County Council Health and Safety Team’s Construction HSE Adviser so that expert assistance is available. Early notification will be given to ensure adequate preparation.
The County Council’s Construction HSE Adviser is available to support us for other types of construction work on request.
Wherever more than one contractor (including sub-contractors) is involved in the construction work, we appoint a Principal Designer for the design stage and a Principal Contractor for the construction phase of the project.
In the case of notifiable projects, the HSE will be notified using the online F10 notification system.
For all construction work, contractors will be required to meet with the Head teacher, members of the Governing Body and representatives from Cumbria County Council, as appropriate.
Prior to any construction work being carried out the Head teacher will:
• be satisfied with the competence and resources of all Designers, Principal Designers, Contractors, and Principal Contractors (as defined under CDM);
• ensure there are suitable management arrangements for the project;
• allow sufficient time and resources for all stages;
• provide pre-construction information (essential safety information about the site and work) to designers and contractors (through the Construction HSE Advisor where appropriate);
• ensure there are suitable welfare facilities, and the Principal Contractor or Contractor has a Construction Phase Plan in place.

We retain and provide access to the Health and Safety File (required by CDM).

Control of Contractors on School Sites

The Head teacher is the designated person who monitors contractors throughout their time on the premises. When attending the school site, all contractors will be issued with Cumbria County Council’s Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice and the school’s Safety Information for Contractors leaflet which outlines the areas of school policy which could affect them. This must be signed by the contractor before they can begin work. Suitable risk assessments must be carried out by the contractor prior to the commencement of the work, and they must notify the Head teacher of any additional hazards they might create during the course of their work so that the appropriate controls can be agreed.
Contractors will be responsible for assessing risks in relation to their work. The Head teacher is responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the pupils/students, staff, other users of the premises and visitors on the school site when contractors are working on the site and during construction work. The Head teacher must ensure that risks to pupils/students, staff and visitors created by contractors and/or construction work are adequately assessed and suitable control measures implemented to protect school users. The risk assessment should be proportionate to the hazards and risks involved. For example, for construction projects that are completely separate from occupied school buildings and grounds such as a new block being built remote from the existing buildings and playgrounds with its own vehicular access, the documented risk assessment will be reasonably brief possibly covering suitable site and vehicular separation. For larger, projects or construction work being done on or around occupied school buildings and grounds, the risk assessment will inevitably be more comprehensive. Any risk assessment should be a working document which may evolve as work progresses or site hazards/risks change.
Contractors will be referred to the school Asbestos Register, which highlights the known and suspected areas that may contain asbestos before any intrusive works are permitted to commence.
Children should be excluded from any work sites or areas where work is taking place, including areas where vehicle movements take place.


A Code of Conduct Leaflet for Adults Visiting or Working in School will be:

• issued to contractors and others working temporarily in the school when quotations or tenders are invited;
• stated as a condition of any order for maintenance work or building contract.

Additionally, where appropriate, the code should be:
• highlighted at any pre-start meeting;
• posted on the building site;
• included as part of the contractor’s site safety briefings;
• issued to contractors’ staff in the form of a leaflet.

All contractors working on site who are not engaging in regulated activity, but whose work provides them with an opportunity for regular contact with children (regardless of whether the contractor works on a single site or across a number of sites/schools) must:
• be segregated from pupils by physical means, time or a combination of both; or
• be supervised at all times when children may be present (or children always supervised); or
• hold DBS certificates (without a children’s barred list check) – a letter confirming that this is the case from the contractor’s employer is sufficient providing the date of the Employers Letter is added to the Single Central Record (where applicable).

Risk Assessments will be conducted for the ‘Use of Contractors – Child Protection’. Documented Procedures will also be in place for protecting children when contractors are working in school.

Permit to Work Systems

A permit-to-work system is a formal recorded process used to control work which is identified as potentially hazardous. It is also ensures a more formal means of communication between site supervisors and operators and those who carry out the hazardous work.
Essential features of permit-to-work systems are:
• the identification of the person who can authorise certain jobs, and any limitations to their authority;
• the person responsible for specifying the necessary safety precautions;
• training and instruction in the issue, use and closure of permits;
• monitoring and auditing to ensure the system works as intended;
• identification of the hazards involved in the work;
• clear identification of tasks, risk assessments, permitted task duration, and supplemental or simultaneous activity and control measures.

Permits to Work will be considered for high risk activities on the school site including:
• hot work – for work of any type where heat is used or generated (e.g. by welding, flame cutting, grinding) or which might generate sparks or other sources of ignition;
• work in confined spaces;
• work on electrical systems;
• roof access and other work at height with significant risk;
• excavations;
• any other work specifically requiring a permit under a written safe working procedure or where potential risks warrant use of a permit.

References and Useful Links

Schools’ Portal > Reference Library > Health and Safety > Contractors and Construction
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G)18 – Construction (Design & Management) Regulations (CDM)
L144 Introduction of the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) – a free download is available.
Cumbria County Council – Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice
School’s Procedures for ‘Protecting Children when Contractors are Working in School
School’s Contractor – Child Protection Risk Assessment


Hazardous substances can include cleaning chemicals, adhesives, paints, pesticides, dusts, substances used for science or design technology teaching, and biological agents.
We use CLEAPSS (Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Services) specialist advice and support in science and technology. CLEAPSS provide COSHH information for the curriculum-based chemicals.
We complete a COSHH assessment for all work involving potential exposure to hazardous substances.
To help us in complying with COSHH we:
• identify all hazardous substances and work involving potential exposure to hazardous substances;
• prevent work with hazardous substances, and/or substitute hazardous substances for less hazardous ones where possible;
• store hazardous substances securely using appropriate signage;
• store chemicals in suitable containers with contents and hazards clearly labelled;
• segregate incompatible chemicals (e.g. oxidising agents and solvents);
• store hazardous liquids in significant quantities in suitable secondary containment to safely contain any leakage;
• provide suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

References and Useful Links
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 – HSE Guidance
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 10 – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health


Control of Legionella

The Head teacher (or nominated deputy) acts as the Responsible Person under the Approved Code of Practice on legionella control. We also have support from the Council’s Corporate Responsible Person where required.
We have arranged for a contractor to undertake a water hygiene risk assessment, and will arrange for this to be reviewed at least every two years by a contractor who is registered with the Legionella Control Association for this purpose.
Water hygiene monitoring will be carried out in accordance with the findings of the risk assessment. Where this is undertaken by a contractor, the contractor will be registered with the Legionella Control Association for the category of work they undertake. Any remedial work will be carried out by a competent person.
The school’s Responsible Person reviews recommendations made in risk assessments and monitoring visit reports to identify and authorise required works.
Any infrequently used outlets, e.g. showers, will be flushed through (hottest temperature possible) every week in which they have not been in use. Shower heads will be removed and de-scaled at the beginning of each term. Written records of these checks will be held.
Where outlets are no longer in use, arrangements will be made to remove them and the pipework leading to them.
Water temperatures of nominated outlets/taps (sentinel outlets) are monitored on a monthly basis. using a food temperature probe. Records of these checks are kept.
Records will be retained throughout the period they are current and for at least two years afterwards. This includes records of any monitoring inspection, test or check carried out, and the dates, for at least five years.

References and Useful Links

Legionnaires’ disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems –

Approved Code of Practice and guidance
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 15 – Legionella
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 30 – Management of Legionella
Cumbria County Council – Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice
School’s Water Hygiene Risk Assessment and maintenance records

Preventing Scalds and Burns

We will ensure measures are in place to prevent scalds and burns to vulnerable adults and young children from hot water and surfaces/pipes. This includes solutions such as thermostatic mixing valves to hot water outlets used by them, and using low surface temperature radiators or appropriate covers.

References and Useful Links

HSE Guidance on Preventing Burns and Scalds –
DfE Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework


Our buildings have been surveyed for the presence and condition of any asbestos containing materials.
Where asbestos is present we hold a register to show its location, condition and any action required to ensure it remains in a safe condition. We also label asbestos materials wherever practical.
At least once each year the asbestos containing materials are inspected by a UKAS accredited contractor (using the County Council’s Capital Programme and Property Division whenever this service is offered to us). We also visually monitor and record the condition of materials termly in-house.
We draw to the attention of contractors, staff and other people who might be likely to disturb any asbestos containing materials, the presence of such materials by providing access to our asbestos register.
If we have to undertake refurbishment works, we ensure that further asbestos surveys are carried out where required. Wherever asbestos containing materials are worked on we use licensed asbestos contractors, unless otherwise advised by the Council’s Capital Programme and Property Division for some low risk materials.
We advise the County Council’s Capital Programme and Property Team of any changes/removals to the asbestos containing materials on site.

References and Useful Links

HSE Asbestos –
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 07 – Control of Asbestos in Schools
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 29 – Management of Asbestos
School’s Asbestos Survey, Register and Asbestos Monitoring Forms
Cumbria County Council – Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice


The school will ensure procedures are in place in line with Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 17 – Electrical Safety. In general these are:
a) All portable electrical appliances are maintained in a safe condition and are inspected/tested by a competent person. Records are maintained;
b) Fixed mains wiring is inspected and tested at least every 5 years;
c) Only competent, trained persons are permitted to carry out work on fixed electrical installations (lighting, wiring, etc.). All installation, repair, modification and testing of fixed electrical systems is to be undertaken using competent persons. We ensure that any contractor working on electrical installations or equipment is registered on the Electrical Safety Register for non-domestic work –;
d) Staff undertake ‘before use’ visual inspections of electrical appliances;
e) Electrical equipment is suitably located and we have good cable management so as to prevent electrical risks, slips, trips and falls, and damage to equipment etc.;
f) Residual Current Devices (RCDs) are provided and used where applicable.

References and Useful Links
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 17 – Electrical Safety
Cumbria County Council – Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 12 – Electricity in the Workplace
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
School’s 5 year Fixed Electrical Certificate
School’s Portable Appliance Testing Register
Also see Defect Identification and Reporting


The school will ensure that appropriate systems and maintenance programmes are in place to ensure that systems, equipment and storage remain in good, safe condition. This will include:
• Convector heaters are serviced/cleaned annually;
• School Boilers and appliances are serviced annually by a Gas Safe Registered Engineer and records are kept.
• The gas installation will be inspected every 5 years by a Gas Safe Registered Engineer including pressure testing from the meter to the final appliance.
• Fixed gas equipment in the kitchen is serviced/gas checked annually by a Gas Safe Registered contractor.
• For emergency procedures relating to Gas Leaks, refer to the School Emergency Plan.

References and Useful Links

Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 17 – Provision and Use of Work Equipment
School’s Equipment Maintenance Schedule and records
School’s Health and Safety Management Plan
Also see Defect Identification and Reporting
Compliance Monitoring in Council Buildings


Work Equipment – Obligations of Employees
a) All employees are required to inspect visually their work equipment, to report any faults before use and not to use this piece of equipment if it is deemed unsafe, i.e. checking for cable damage etc.;
b) All employees are reminded of their obligation to participate in the training when provided to ensure that they understand how to work safely with all equipment that they use, and to work to the guidelines provided in the training and subsequently by their manager;
c) Any faulty piece of equipment is to be taken out of service, labelled as out of service, and moved to an area where it cannot be used. It must not be returned to normal use unless it has been checked by a competent person and repaired if necessary;
d) No private equipment is to be used unless it has been deemed safe by a competent person.

Routine Maintenance and Servicing Requirements
The table below indicates the areas and frequencies of servicing and maintenance for school systems and equipment. Those areas highlighted in BLUE are carried out by school staff. All other servicing and maintenance will be carried out by competent contractors. Records of servicing and maintenance will be filed within our Buildings Register.


References and Useful Links

Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 16 – Display Screen Equipment
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 13 – Display Screen Equipment in Offices
HSE Website –


The following precautions are taken in relation to IT:
• The layout of equipment will be appropriate with sufficient room for each student
• The server unit is housed appropriately, e.g. where it cannot overheat, away from combustible materials, wires kept tidy etc.;
• If laptops are provided to pupils for use outside of school, we ensure that pupils are provided with information on the safe and proper use of laptop computers. We will make available separate keyboards, mice and monitor-raisers.
• It is recognised that the use of new technologies presents particular challenges and risks to children both inside and outside of school. We will ensure a comprehensive curriculum response to enable all pupils to learn about and manage the associated risks effectively and will support parents and the school community (including all members of staff) to become aware and alert to the needs of keeping children safe online.
• We have a suitable Online Safety Policy which includes acceptable use agreements for staff, Governors and pupils, reinforces the need for parents to act responsibly when using Facebook or other social networking sites and includes references to extremism, radicalisation and child sexual exploitation.
• There are robust security measures in place to protect potentially sensitive documents being accessed at home or being taken off site using pen drives, which must be encrypted. Our arrangements for security are fully discussed in the school Online Safety Policy.
Detailed information can be found in the school Online Safety Policy held separately.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 20 – Safe Use of Laptop Computers
School’s Online Safety policy


The ‘AfPE Safe Practice in Physical Education’ guidance will be followed. The responsible person will ensure that staff have had relevant training in any specialised activities (e.g. climbing, trampolining etc.). Records will be kept of qualification and renewal dates.
Pupils will be instructed in safe movement of equipment where they undertake this task. Staff will supervise the erection and dismantling of PE equipment and not allow children to do this on their own (unless their age and capabilities allow). The teacher in charge will ensure that there are sufficient children involved in moving the equipment to avoid any strain or discomfort, and will themselves assist in the actual process of erecting and dismantling.
Risk assessments will be undertaken for all PE activities and suitable control measures implemented.
Clear written guidance, rules and procedures for use of equipment will be provided.
There will be adequate supervision of activities, and staff will be competent to lead activities in their given areas of expertise.
We ensure there is adequate storage for equipment. PE mats are held in a fire resistant store with doors kept locked when not in use.
Jewellery is not permitted to be worn during any form of PE or movement exercises. There is clear guidance within the School Prospectus concerning appropriate clothing and footwear for physical activities.

Inspection of Play/Gymnasium Equipment

Regular inspections will be made of halls, floors, gyms and equipment.
Inspections and maintenance programmes will cover the whole play area and not just the play equipment or the impact-absorbing surface.
PE Equipment will be inspected before use, and outdoor fixed play equipment will be inspected regularly by staff to identify obvious hazards that can result from vandalism, wear, or weather conditions (e.g. broken parts, broken glass, exposed foundations, slippery surfaces).
More detailed inspection to check the operation and stability of the equipment and also look for evidence
of wear will carried out by staff every 1 to 3 months, or as indicated by the manufacturer’s instructions. An inspection record will be kept.
Equipment will also be formally inspected at least annually by a competent contractor in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to establish the overall condition of the equipment, foundations and surfaces. The level of competence of the person carrying out the inspection will vary with level of risk associated with the complexity of the equipment.
If at any inspection equipment is found to be in need of repair, it will be removed, replaced or repaired immediately. If this is impractical, steps will be taken to ensure that it presents no danger to children by immobilisation, or erecting protective fencing. The repair will then be completed as soon as possible.

References and Useful Links

Safe Practice in Physical Education and School Sports – (AfPE Book)
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(PE) 1 – Safety in Physical Education
BS EN 1176:2008 1-7 – Playground Equipment
BS EN 1177:2008 – Impact Absorbing Playground Surfacing Safety Requirements and Test Methods
Also see Defect Identification and Reporting


• All Science/Design Technology activities will be risk assessed and suitable controls implemented to reduce risk to an acceptable level prior to the activity taking place. Both departments will utilise the guidance and model risk assessments produced by CLEAPSS. Specific risk assessments will also be undertaken where required. All completed risk assessments will be made available for staff to view.
• Control measures put in place following the assessment of risk will be monitored to ensure they remain effective. A system for monitoring the effectiveness of controls will be devised locally. A formal procedure for the review of risk assessments will be implemented to ensure they are reviewed at least once per year or where there is reason to suspect they are no longer valid.
• Levels of supervision will be adequate for the number of pupils in class.
• Clear working procedures for the use of equipment will be written down and brought to the attention of staff and pupils, and adequate safety signs, notices and ‘Do’s and Don’t’s’ displayed.
• First aid boxes will be located in appropriate locations, and eye wash facilities will be available.
• Separate hand washing facilities will also be available with a supply of soap and towels.
• Additional science and/or design technology health and safety procedures will be provided where required.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(DT) 01 – Design Technology Class Sizes, Room Sizes and possible effects on Safety
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(Sc) 01 – Science Class Sizes, Laboratory Sizes and possible effects on Safety
British Standard BS4163:2014 – Health and Safety for Design Technology in Schools and similar Establishments
DfES Building Bulletin 81 – Design and Technology Accommodation in Secondary Schools
CLEAPSS Guidance –


General Food Hygiene Standards

Our school aims to provide the highest standard of food safety and hygiene. In particular, we will ensure that the food and drink prepared on our premises is both safe and wholesome. We will ensure that legal requirements relating to food safety and hygiene will be complied with fully.
We will provide hygienic premises and ensure hygienic equipment is provided for the safe preparation of food.
We will ourselves, or through the use of a carefully selected contractor, put in place documented food safety management procedures based on the principles of HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point).
Any employee involved with the handling and preparation of food will hold, as a minimum, the CIEH Level 2 Award in Food Safety or equivalent, renewed at intervals not exceeding three years.
All staff involved in food preparation, cooking and baking activities to be aware of the major food allergens and take this into account for pupils (or staff) with known allergies – catering, food technology staff and those working in wrap around care will need to be aware of the contents of Individual Healthcare Plans for pupils with allergies.
Allergen information of school meals must be recorded and available. Staff will ensure allergen information is kept up to date e.g. if foods purchased are changed or products substituted.

Food Technology

Suitable controls to reduce risks from food technology activities to an acceptable level will be implemented. In particular:
• Electrical appliances and equipment will be inspected and tested at the appropriate intervals;
• All emergency gas and power cut-off switches will be easily identified and accessible, and staff will be made aware of the location and operation of the main cut-offs;
• Ovens will only to be used by adults or pupils supervised appropriately for their age and ability;
• Pressure cookers will be subject to an annual insurance inspection;
• The number of pupils using particular pieces of equipment will be limited to prevent crowding/accidental pushing;
• Documented procedures will be brought to the attention of anyone who may be required to use equipment;
• Oven gloves/cloths will be available and used;
• Cooker guards and hob covers will be used appropriately;
• Equipment will be sited so that draughts from windows and doors do not interfere with the safe working of the equipment;
• Equipment, materials and tools will be regularly inspected and appropriately maintained;
• Food stuffs will be stored hygienically;
• An adequately stocked first aid box (including blue plasters) will be easily accessible;
• Appropriate fire-fighting equipment including appropriate fire extinguisher(s) and fire blanket will be located in the workroom;
• Passageways will be kept free for safe movement;
• Coats and bags will be stored outside the food preparation area;
• Floors will be kept clean and dry with ‘clean as you go’ practices adopted;
• Spillages will be cleared up immediately and the area dried with paper towels or similar.

Wrap-Around Care (Breakfast and After-School Clubs)

• Allergen information of the foods served at the club(s) will be recorded and available – this will include the bread(s), cereals, crumpets etc. used, along with any spreads. Staff will ensure allergen information is kept up to date e.g. if foods purchased are changed or products substituted.
• Food stuffs will be stored appropriately, off the floor, in sealed and where necessary, labelled containers where appropriate.
• There is a system in place for accidents occurring during Breakfast Club to be communicated to school at the end of each session.
• There is also a system in place for accidents occurring during school time to be communicated to After-School Club at the end of the school day.
• Accidents which occur during Breakfast or After-School Club are recorded in the relevant SCHOOL accident book i.e. neither has their own accident book – refer to our Accident Reporting Procedures held separately for details.
• Breakfast and After School Clubs have their own First Aid kits which are maintained in line with our First Aid Procedures held separately or they will utilise the school First Aid kits which are maintained in line with our First Aid Procedures.


• Appropriate risk assessments are undertaken for cleaning activities, the working environment and machinery and all cleaning staff are made aware of the hazards and risks associated with their work and what they should do to prevent accidents to themselves and other (control measures).
• Portable electrical appliances are included in the school’s electrical inspection and testing programme.
• All cleaning staff receive training/instruction in Health and Safety Induction, Use of Machinery/Equipment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health and Manual Handling.
• All accidents and incidents involving cleaning staff will be recorded in the MAIN school accident book and will be reported in line with our Accident Reporting Procedures.
• There will be an appropriate defect reporting procedure in place. Cleaning staff should report any identified defects or hazards to their equipment or the environment in line with our Defect Reporting Procedures.
• Equipment, materials and tools will be regularly inspected and appropriately maintained.
• Staff will be made aware of the location of the mains services i.e. Water, Electricity, Gas, Oil and/or LPG.
• All cleaning staff are instructed to ensure that they never obstruct Fire exits or escape routes.
• Cleaning staff will be made aware of what to do in the event of fire i.e. how to raise the alarm, evacuation procedures and carry school cordless telephone for use in an emergency.
• Fire drills are on occasion, undertaken while cleaning staff are present so that they become familiar with the fire evacuation routine.
• Cleaning staff are made aware that all equipment MUST be switched off after use and returned to the locked store.
• The use and storage of cleaning chemicals will be subject to a COSHH Risk Assessment which is reviewed regularly and disseminated to relevant staff.
• Cleaning products are only ever decanted into properly labelled spray bottles – never unlabelled bottles.
• Sufficient colour coded equipment is supplied to Cleaning staff so that they clean specific areas safely, keeping equipment separate from one another.
• Cleaning materials and equipment are kept securely stored when not in use and cleaning staff instructed not to leave cleaning products unattended at any time.
• Warning signs will be displayed when wet mopping for example to warn others that floor may be slippery.
• Cleaning staff are made aware of the location of any asbestos containing materials in the building so that they do not accidentally damage them during their work.
• Cleaning staff are instructed NOT to work at height when there is no-one else in the vicinity – refer to our Work at Height Procedures for further details.
• Cleaning staff are provided with a Cleaning Health & Safety Manual as part of their Induction which includes a Staff Handbook and a Health and Safety Manual.
• Providing there are proper cleaning schedules in place, additional routine cleaning is not generally required during outbreaks of communicable diseases/illnesses. If the Environmental Health Department or Public Health England consider there is a need for extra cleaning this will be arranged with our cleaners. This might particularly be the case if children or staff have had vomiting or diarrhoea on the premises; when toilet areas and door handles etc. may receive extra attention.

References and Useful Links

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended)
Dangerous Substances & Dangerous Atmospheres Regulations 2002
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
Cleaning Health & Safety Manual


The school operates internal procedures to ensure the security of staff, pupils and the premises. The Head teacher will ensure that systems are in place for checking external lighting, panic alarms and security alarms. Any faults will be reported and recorded in the defects book for action.
Security arrangements will consider the need for following:
• Security alarm with record book to log settings (externally monitored);
• Perimeter fencing;
• Exterior lighting;
• Window restrictors to prevent falls;
• Installation of CCTV and use of CCTV policy;
• Membership of Neighbourhood Watch scheme;
• Cash handling procedures;
• Use of toughened glass and safety glazing;
• Identification of visitors – signing in/out procedures, visitor badges;
• Controlled access systems;
• Duty security personnel;
• Routine security checks by competent site staff;
• Emergency arrangements – intruders and security emergencies;
• Formal security audits of premises.


Wherever possible, work at height will be avoided. Where it cannot be avoided, suitable equipment and procedures will be put in place to minimise risk.

Ladders & Stepladders

Ladders and stepladders will only be used for jobs of short duration where there is no suitable alternative access. Staff using ladders and stepladders will be trained in their safe use.
Ladders and stepladders will not be used by pupils.
The only ladders and stepladders approved for use will be those constructed and marked to EN131, or to BS 1129:1990 Class 1 or BS 2037:1994 Class1.


PPE will be provided where risks cannot be fully controlled in other ways. Staff can request PPE through the Health and Safety Coordinator.
PPE will always be suitable for the task and the user.
Re-usable PPE will be subject to periodic inspection to confirm its continued suitability, and where appropriate, subject to routine maintenance.
Staff must use PPE as instructed, and report any defects or other problem promptly to the Health and Safety Coordinator.

References and Useful Links



Our school operates a complete smoke-free policy which applies at all times. Smoking (including E-Cigarettes/vaping) is NOT permitted in any part of the schools premises, including within buildings, within the entrance area to the school, or on land adjacent to the school building (car park, garden areas, walkway etc.) where this forms part of the school premises. This also applies to any vehicle being used for school business.
The school’s disciplinary procedure will apply for dealing with employees who breach the smoking ban at work.
These rules apply to employees, parents, visitors, members of the public, contractors and others working in or using the school’s premises or vehicles. This will be clearly advertised and visitors to the school will be informed of it.
Pupils breaching smoke-free rules will be dealt with according to the school’s behaviour policy.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria County Council’s Smoke Free Workplace Policy
School’s Smoke Free Workplace Policy


The school will undertake manual handling risk assessments for all hazardous manual handling tasks that cannot be avoided. This includes the handling of people as well as objects.
Training in correct lifting techniques will be provided for all persons involved in significant handling tasks.
We will ensure that children are supervised when carrying equipment such as PE mats or furniture and they are instructed how to do so safely.

References and Useful Links

Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 23 – Manual Handling
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 19 – Manual Handling Operations
Basic Manual Handling Awareness Training and Moving and Handling Training for staff is available through the County Council’s Learning Support Team (tel. 01900 706090 for details).


The school uses the EVOLVE online system ( for educational visits approval. The Council’s Outdoor Learning and Educational Visits Advisor assesses and approves school visits involving adventurous activities, residential stays and trips abroad, as well as providing advice to the school.
The school adopts the National Guidance for the Management of Outdoor Learning, Off-site visits and Learning Outside the Classroom (


The school considers the safety aspects which could arise in relation to behaviour. The Whole School Behaviour Policy and procedures, Positive Handling Procedures and Code of Conduct for Staff and Other Adults are held separately and can be provided on request.


• No Licensable Activities are undertaken in school. School performances are undertaken at the Village Hall.
• We develop a written evacuation procedure for performances/events held in other premises (when larger than normal numbers of people would be present); ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities should an evacuation be required during a performance/event. The performance/event leader also ensures this is explained to audiences/participants at the beginning of any such performance/event.
• Calculated Hall Capacity for the external venue is not exceeded unless suitable mitigating controls are introduced.
• Seating, modular staging/stage blocks and trade stalls for example never obstruct fire escape routes/ doors.
• Good housekeeping will be maintained to remove combustible items to minimise the risk of fire.
• Reference should also be made to the school Fire Risk Assessment held separately.

General Precautions

Supervisors of performances and rehearsals are made aware of general emergency evacuation procedures and will ensure that suitable safety instructions are provided to audiences prior to the rehearsal or performance.
Supervisors will ensure that the set-up for performances and rehearsals employs suitable safety measures, especially in relation to the physical safety and ability of persons involved, and to include manual handling tasks, work at height, lighting and special effects, e.g. use of dry ice and smoke machines.
Where strobe lighting is employed this will be kept to a minimum, and clear signs will be displayed at all points of entry indicating that strobes will be used.
Any specialist equipment will only be used by experienced qualified personnel.
All electrical equipment will be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and visual user checks will be made. RCD (Residual Circuit Devices) will be used where required.

References and Useful Links

General school Evacuation Plans and Fire Risk Assessment held separately.
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 17 – Electrical Safety
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 32 – Noise
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 19 – Working at Height
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 23 – Manual Handling of Loads
Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 26 – Fire Risk Assessment in Schools
Cumbria County Council – Contractor Health and Safety Code of Practice
Cumbria County Council Safety Procedure No. 12 – Electricity in the Workplace
School’s 5 year Fixed Electrical Certificate
School’s Portable Appliance Testing Register
Also see Defect Identification and Reporting
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) – (smoke machines, paints and solvents etc.)


Precautions in line with Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 28 – Safety Guidelines for Ponds on School Sites, will be implemented where a pond is present on the school site. This will include the requirement for safety features, signage and emergency plans.

References and Useful Links

Cumbria Schools Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 28 – Safety Guidelines for Ponds on School Sites
RoSPA Pond Safety Advice –


Where we have trees in our grounds, tree surveys are undertaken at appropriate intervals by the Local Authority and a copy of the Tree Survey Report is held in school. All recommendations are appropriately actioned using a contractor who is a member of the ARB Approved Contractor Scheme (run by the member of the Arboricultural Association).
We contact our local district council before any SIGNIFICANT work is undertaken on our trees.

References and Useful Links


Animals can play an important role in the education of children. Children can learn about their needs and characteristics. Before animals are allowed in the school, suitable and sufficient risk assessment will be carried out, including any planning which needs to be considered for pupil or animal welfare. We will ensure that any animals kept by the school will be cared for in line with the appropriate welfare requirements.
Recognised publications and guidance (e.g. CLEAPSS guides, Public Health England guidance ‘Health Protection in Schools and Other Childcare Settings’ 2017) will be used to determine suitable animals, inform risk assessments, and will be available when keeping animals in school.

References and Useful Links
Public Health England guidance ‘Health Protection in Schools and Other Childcare Settings’ 2017:


A safe and healthy workplace environment will be maintained at the school.


A comfortable working temperature will be maintained of at least 16°C unless much of the work involves severe physical effort in which case the temperature will be 13 ºC (or where it is impractical to maintain these temperatures i.e. where food has to be kept cold). In the event of the need for portable heating or cooling, any equipment provided to achieve this will suitable for use, free from defects, and safely sited so as not to create additional hazards.
Radiant heaters will NEVER be used.


The school will be lit by natural daylight wherever possible. Where artificial lighting is employed, this will be in good repair and suitable for the tasks being undertaken.


Children will be kept at least two metres from the front of loudspeakers used for discos.

Welfare Facilities

Suitable welfare facilities will be maintained in a safe and clean condition for all staff and pupils.


An adequate supply of fresh air will be maintained. Where possible this will be from natural ventilation from windows.

Access and Egress

We will implement inspection procedures, defect reporting and extra attention during inclement weather. We will bring our winter gritting plan to the attention of staff, pupils and parents/guardians to ensure safe routes are followed during periods of snow and ice.

Outdoor Working

Appropriate measures will be taken to avoid the effects from working in inclement weather and in hot sun. We ensure that we follow the latest health and safety advice in respect of skin protection and prevention of ill health.

Window Blind Cords and Chains

Window blind cords and chains can pose a strangulation risk for young children. We have identified via Risk Assessment the presence of any looped cord or chained window or door blinds and have implemented the following measures to prevent strangulation:
• Staff ensure that cords or chains are stowed out of reach so that children are not at risk of strangulation.
• Wherever possible, we have used safety devices such as cord cleats, cord/chain tidies and chain break connectors.
• When new blinds are ordered, we will select blinds which do not contain cords or have concealed cords.
• There is a programme of replacement for older vertical blinds with new roller blinds with safety cords.

Preventing Finger Trapping Incidents

• A risk assessment has been undertaken to determine the risk of finger trapping incidents;
• We try to reduce or remove the need for pupils to gather near the doors;
• We ensure that essential equipment is not positioned adjacent to or immediately behind doors e.g. A paper towel dispenser;
• We increase awareness of staff and pupils to potential risks;
• We prevent uncontrolled access to vulnerable doors.
• Where such measures are not practicable, finger guarding devices have been installed;
• Wherever possible during replacement or refurbishment of doors then the risk of finger trapping should be designed out. Where this is not possible and there is a significant risk then finger guarding devices will be fitted where required;
• For both new and existing devices in schools class teachers are responsible for regularly undertaking a brief, informal visual inspection to check the condition of any protective devices fitted. any obvious defects should be reported in the usual manner so that repairs or replacement can be undertaken.

References and Useful Links

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 ACOP -
NHS Sun Safety Advice –
Cancer Research Sunsmart Website – – Health risks from working in the sun HSE Guidance
DfE Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework


Steps are taken to minimise the risk of environmental pollution, including liquid spillages, smoke and environmental noise. All cases of environmental pollution are recorded and reported using the Accident/Incident Form.