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Freedom of Information Policy

Information to be published.
This includes datasets where applicable – please see “How to complete the Guide to Information”.
How the information can be obtainedCost
Who we are and what we do
(Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts)

This will be current information only
Who’s who in the school WebsiteFree
Who’s who on the governing body/board of governors and the basis of their appointmentWebsiteFree
Instrument of Government/Articles of AssociationWebsiteFree
Contact details for the Head teacher and for the governing body, via the school (named contacts where possible)WebsiteFree
School prospectus (if any)WebsiteFree
Annual Report (if any)WebsiteFree
Staffing structureWebsiteFree
School session times and term datesWebsiteFree
Address of school and contact details, including email addressWebsiteFree

Freedom of Information Policy

What we spend and how we spend it
(Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit)

Current and previous financial year as a minimum
Hard copy in officeFree
Annual budget plan and financial statementsHard copy in officeFree
Capital fundingHard copy in officeFree
Financial audit reportsHard copy in officeFree
Details of expenditure items over £2000 – published at least annually but at a more frequent quarterly or six-monthly interval where practicalHard copy in officeFree
Procurement and contracts the school has entered into, or information relating to/a link to information held by an organisation which has done so on its behalf (for example, a local authority or diocese)Hard copy in officeFree
Pay policyHard copy in officeFree
Staff allowances and expenses that can be incurred or claimed, with totals paid to individual senior staff members (Senior Leadership Team or equivalent, whose basic actual salary is at least £60,000 per annum) by reference to categoriesHard copy in officeFree
Staffing, pay and grading structure. As a minimum the pay information should include salaries for senior staff (Senior Leadership Team or equivalent as above) in bands of £10,000; for more junior posts, by salary range.Hard copy in officeFree
Governors’ allowances that can be incurred or claimed, and a record of total payments made to individual governors.Hard copy in officeFree

Freedom of Information Policy

3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing
(Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews)

Current information as a minimum
Hard copy in office and websiteFree
School profile (if any)
And in all cases:
• Performance data supplied to the Government, or a direct link to the data
• The latest Ofsted report
- Summary
- Full report
• Post-inspection action plan
Hard copy in office and websiteFree
Performance management policy and procedures adopted by the governing body.Hard copy in office and websiteFree
Performance data or a direct link to itHard copy in office and websiteFree
The school’s future plans; for example, proposals for any any consultation on the future of the school, such as a change in statusHard copy in office and websiteFree
Safeguarding and child protectionHard copy in office and websiteFree

Freedom of Information Policy

4 – How we make decisions
(Decision making processes and records of decisions)

Current and previous three years as a minimum
Hard copy in office and websiteFree
Admissions policy/decisions (not individual admission decisions) – where applicableHard copy in office Free
Agendas and minutes of meetings of the governing body and its committees. NB this will exclude information that is properly regarded as private to the meetings).Hard copy in office Free

Freedom of Information Policy

5 – Our policies and procedures
(Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities)

Current information only
As a minimum these must include policies, procedures and documents that the school is required to have by statute or by its funding agreement or equivalent or by the English government. These will include policies and procedures for handling information requests.
Hard copy in office and websiteFree
Records management and personal data policies, including:
• Information security policies
• Records retention destruction and archive policies
• Data protection (including information sharing policies)
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Charging regimes and policies.

This should include details of any statutory charging regimes. Charging policies should include charges made for information routinely published. They should clearly state what costs are to be recovered, the basis on which they are made and how they are calculated.
If the school charges a fee for re-licensing the use of datasets, it should state in its guide how this is calculated (please see “How to complete the Guide to information”).
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Freedom of Information Policy

6 – Lists and Registers

Currently maintained lists and registers only (this does not include the attendance register)
Hard copy/live documentsOn inspection
Curriculum circulars and statutory instrumentsHard copy/live documentsOn inspection
Disclosure logs Hard copy/live documentsOn inspection
Asset registerHard copy/live documentsOn inspection
Any information the school is currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers Hard copy/live documentsOn inspection

Freedom of Information Policy

7 – The services we offer
(Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public and businesses)

Current information only
Hard copy in office and websiteFree
Extra-curricular activitiesHard copy in office and websiteFree
Out of school clubsHard copy in office and websiteFree
Services for which the school is entitled to recover a fee, together with those feesHard copy in office and websiteFree
School publications, leaflets, books and newslettersHard copy in office and websiteFree
Additional Information
This will provide schools with the opportunity to publish information that is not itemised in the lists above
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