Each year the school reviews its progress and looks towards the future. We always try to include your thoughts as parents and shareholders in this planning. Unfortunately, we have not been able to do this for quite some time due to the restrictions placed upon the school.
As we return to some sort of normality it would be very useful (and much appreciated) if you were able once again to help the school shape its future. We would like you to provide your thoughts on how you would like to see the school develop to meet the needs of your children.
There will be a sheet in the playground (on a bench by the path) over the coming week for you to add your suggestions and recommendations, and we will then take these into account in the development plan.
The headings are:
Teaching Learning Curriculum – how well do you think we teach, including our curriculum and teaching styles?
Achievement – Are you happy with your children’s academic and pastoral achievements?
Leadership and Management – how well do you think the school is organised?
Personal Development and Wellbeing – do you have any recommendations for our management of behaviour and safeguarding issues?
Community – how well does the school interact with the community?
If you have any suggestions on how any of these aspects can improve; or can be fine-tuned (if they need to), then please add your comments to the sheet in the playground.
Thank you,
Simon Brabant